Firmen News

Kerstin's 13th Coffee Talk - Software as a Service

Kerstin's 13th Coffee Talk - Software as a Service

We are excited to invite you to our next Coffee Talk from ON-POINT partner Kerstin Lehmann on Thursday, 10th of March 9-10am CET.


We will discuss "Software as a Service – its pros and cons... " Software as a Service (= SaaS) is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted. SaaS is getting more and more popular within the financial industry but is it also the solution to all problems? !  


We will discuss pro and cons with our special guests who will also share their experience - Looking forward to an inspiring "coffee talk".



Please register here

Ein Beitrag von
Kerstin Lehmann
Kerstin Lehmann