Company news

ON-POINT goes to Singapore

ON-POINT goes to Singapore
After being unable to travel to Singapore for the past two years, ON-POINT has managed to land in the red dot. As part of the visit, the partners, Kerstin, Frank, and Rolf -for those of you at the back of the class who haven’t followed the recent changes- have explored the various aspects of the so-called Switzerland of Asia.While exploring the culinary and cultural sides of Singapore, the partners, together with Lucie and Vlad, have met with current and potential clients, as well as the companies who make up our closest local collaborators. Between two bites of quite excellent food -if we say so ourselves-, the team worked on a way to further enable growth in Asia. Focusing on recruiting more people, especially seniors, will allow ON-POINT to establish itself locally as a consulting boutique with strong expertise in providing management advice. We intend to stand out in Singapore by guiding the clients in setting up their projects properly and ensuring they have a suitable methodology to assess their business and delivery requirements. After so much hard work in the concrete jungle, the team decided to catch a well-deserved break. In the last days of the visit, ON-POINT pushed the exploration even further and walked on the “wild” side of Singapore with a visit to Pulau Ubin, an island just a short ride away from the city. A true paradise for the tropical fauna and flora where one can become intimately acquainted with the local mosquitoes and blistering hot sun. After escaping both dengue and a heat stroke with a newly found appreciation for fans and aircon, the team set course towards a more refreshing experience, Next port: a real floating restaurant in the middle of the sea, on the menu: delicious, authentic, Singaporean cuisine. One intense week later, we are looking forward to the next visit, and of course to the next event! See you all very soon.