Firmen News Kerstin Lehmann Partner

Kerstin's 4th virtual Coffee Talk - "South Africa – Mzansi Road - Can South African tourism go digital?”

Kerstin's 4th virtual Coffee Talk -

Our fourth Coffee Talk focuses on South Africa and is titled: "South Africa – Mzansi Road - Can South African tourism go digital?"

This coffee talk will be different. No finance tech topics and you will see less of Kerstin Lehman for once. She is giving the stage to her friends Jutta and Inge from the South African Travel Agency Cedric’s on Tour. South Africa is currently suffering from one of the toughest lockdowns in the world and Covid implications on tourism.

After a short presentation on the current situation in South Africa, we need your brain power! We would like to get your insights and ideas on which paths South African Tourism could take in Corona times. Is there a way for tourism to work digitally? Could virtual tours work? Who would participate in a virtual bush walk?

And last but not least, how could local travel agencies generate new revenues for their business (the people) in South Africa and lessen the impact of the pandemic?

You don’t need to be an expert in any of these matters to participate. We just want to generate a creative, interesting and lively discussion. Please feel free to forward this invite to South Africa interested colleagues, friends working in tourism, digital experts.

Please register here:

We look forward to seeing you!